源码资本|源码推荐——SQL SERVER结构浏览器

2017-09-08 新闻资讯 阅读:



<%@ language="JScript">
var ConnStr= "DSN=admin"; //
var UserLogin= "sa"; // input empty Login and Password,
var UserPassword= ""; // if your DSN works via WinNT trust connection
var CharSet= "gb2312"; // as sample "windows-1251"
var PgSize= 10;



MS SQL Structure Viewer Version 1.2

MS SQL WebTools >> Table Structure Viewer

written by

Alexander Tkalich

var trColor1= "#7f9faf", trColor2= "#bfcfd7";
var trColor= trColor1;

function isDef( Value){
if( Value== ( Value+ "")) return true;
return false;

function QOutSelect( Conn, Name, Value, FirstName, FirstValue, SQL, SSize){
var Rs= Conn.Execute( SQL);
Response.Write( ""); if( FirstName!= "") Response.Write( ""+ FirstName); for( ; !Rs.EOF; Rs.MoveNext()){ Id= Rs( 0); Nm= Rs( 1); if( Value== ""+ Id) S= 'selected'; else S= ''; Response.Write( ""+ Nm+ "\n"); } Response.Write( "");

var S, DbName, TbName, Tbl, Row;
if( !isDef( DbName= Request.Form( "DbName")))
DbName= Request.QueryString( "DbName");
if( !isDef( TbId= Request.Form( "TbId")))
TbId= Request.QueryString( "TbId");
Tbl= Request.QueryString( "Tbl");
Row= Request.QueryString( "Row")/ 1;

var Conn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
Conn.Open( ConnStr, UserLogin, UserPassword);

if( !isDef( Tbl)){

if( isDef( DbName)){
Response.Write( '');
if( isDef( DbName)) S= 'Show structure';
else S= 'Show list of tables';


QOutSelect( Conn, "DbName' onChange='document.f.submit();", DbName, "", "",
"select name, name from master.dbo.sysdatabases Order by name", 10);
Response.Write( '
Tables & Views
QOutSelect( Conn, "TbId' onChange='document.f.submit();", TbId, '', '',
"select id, name from "+ DbName+ ".dbo.sysobjects where type in ('U','V') and category<>2 Order By Name", 10);
Response.Write( '
\n"+ "


if( !isDef( CurrentDb= Request.Form( "CurrentDb")))
CurrentDb= Request.QueryString( "CurrentDb");
if( !isDef( Tbl)&& isDef( DbName)&& DbName+ ""== CurrentDb+ ""&& isDef( TbId)){
Rs= Conn.Execute(
"select O.name, U.name"+
" from "+ DbName+ ".dbo.sysobjects O, "+
DbName+ ".dbo.sysusers U"+
" where O.id="+ TbId+ " and U.uid=O.uid"
TbName= Rs( 0);
TbOwner= Rs( 1);
""+ DbName+ "."+ TbOwner+ "."+ TbName+ "\n"
Response.Write( "
Rs= Conn.Execute(
"select C.name, T.name, C.length, C.xprec, C.xscale,"+
" C.colstat, C.isnullable,"+
" case when C.autoval is null then 0 else 1 end,"+
" SC.text, "+
"( select CForgin.name+ ' of '+ '<a href=\"TbStru.asp?"+
"DbName="+ DbName+ "&CurrentDb="+ DbName+
"&TbName='+ O.name+ '&TbId='+ Convert( varchar, Sr.rkeyid)+ '"+
"\">'+ O.name+ ''"+
" from "+ DbName+ ".dbo.sysreferences Sr,"+
DbName+ ".dbo.sysobjects O,"+
DbName+ ".dbo.syscolumns CForgin"+
" where Sr.fkeyid="+ TbId+ " and Sr.fkey1=C.colid and Sr.rkeyid=O.id"+
" and CForgin.id=O.id and CForgin.colid=Sr.rkey1"+
") from "+ DbName+ ".dbo.syscolumns C, "+
DbName+ ".dbo.systypes T, "+
DbName+ ".dbo.syscomments SC "+
"where C.id="+ TbId+ " and C.xtype=T.xusertype and C.cdefault*=SC.id "+
"order by C.colid"

<tr bgcolor=<%=trcolor%>>

for( TrColor= '', i= 1; !Rs.EOF; i++, Rs.MoveNext()){
if( trColor== trColor1) trColor= trColor2;
else trColor= trColor1;
<tr bgcolor=<%=trcolor%>>
<td bgcolor=<%=trcolor2%>align=right><%=i%>

if( Rs( 1)== 'numeric'|| Rs( 1)== 'decimal'){
prec= Rs( 3);
scale= Rs( 4);
} else prec= scale= ' ';
colstat= "";
if( Rs( 7)== 1) colstat+= ", Identity";
if( Rs( 5)== 1) colstat+= ", Primary Key";
if( Rs( 6)== 1) colstat+= ", Nullable";
if( colstat== "")
colstat= " ";
colstat= colstat.substring( 2);
cdefault= Rs( 8);
if( !isDef( cdefault)) cdefault= " ";
else {
cdefault= ""+ cdefault;
cdefault= cdefault.substring( 1, cdefault.length- 1);
foreign= Rs( 9);
if( !isDef( foreign)) foreign= " ";


default value


if( isDef( Tbl)){
Response.Write( ""+ Tbl+ "
Rs= Conn.Execute( "select count( *) from "+ Tbl);
RecordCount= Rs( 0);
Response.Write( ""+ RecordCount+ " Records total
Rs= Conn.Execute( "select * from "+ Tbl);
if( !isDef( Row))
Row= 0;
if( !Rs.EOF)
Rs.Move( Row);

var ColCount= Rs.Fields.Count;
for( i1= 0; i1< ColCount; i1++)
Response.Write( "");
Response.Write( "\n");
Prev= Row- PgSize;
if( Prev< 0&& Row> 0) Prev= 0;
for( i= Row+ 1, Cntr= 0;
Cntr< PgSize&& !Rs.EOF;
Rs.MoveNext(), i++, Cntr++
if( trColor== trColor1) trColor= trColor2;
else trColor= trColor1;
<tr bgcolor=<%=trcolor%>>
<td bgcolor=<%=trcolor2%>align=right><%=i%>
for( i1= 0; i1< ColCount; i1++)
Response.Write( "");
Response.Write( "\n");
if( Cntr> 0){
Response.Write( "");
for( i1= 0; i1< ColCount; i1++)
Response.Write( "");
Response.Write( "\n");
Response.Write( "

"+ Rs.Fields( i1).Name+ "
"+ Rs.Fields( i1).Value+ "

"+ Rs.Fields( i1).Name+ "

if( Prev>= 0){
QS= new String( Request.QueryString);
Prev= QS.substring( 0, QS.lastIndexOf( "=")+ 1)+ Prev;
Response.Write( "\n");
if( !Rs.EOF){
QS= new String( Request.QueryString);
if( QS.lastIndexOf( "&Row=")+ 1)
Next= QS.substring( 0, QS.lastIndexOf( "=")+ 1)+ ( i- 1);
Next= QS+ "&Row="+ ( i- 1);
Response.Write( "\n");
Response.Write( "

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源码资本|源码推荐——SQL SERVER结构浏览器


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