美篇访问统计 其他|完整的访问统计程序(二  程序篇)

2017-10-09 新闻资讯 阅读:



  请大家在转载和使用的时候  保留这条信息


/* dbcn.asp

   创建数据库连接的 公用程序



  function OpenConn()


     dim ConnStr

     dim uid

     dim pwd

     dim db





     Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     ConnStr="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;UID=" & uid & ";PWD=" & pwd & ";database=" & db & ";server=" & Softserver & ""


     Conn.Open ConnStr


     set OpenConn=Conn

  end function


  function OpenRst()


     set Rst=Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

     set OpenRst=Rst

  end function







   set conn=openConn()

   set rst=openRst()

   sub WriteDateTable(intStart,intEnd,strArray,ccount)




           <%for i="intStart" to="">









                 if rst.eof then

                    setbar 0,ccount


                    if rst(1)=i then

                       setbar rst(3),ccount

               if not rst.eof then rst.movenext


                       setbar 0,ccount

                    end if

                 end if




   end sub



   sub setBar(num,ccount)


     if ccount=0 then




     end if   



       " height="10"><%=percent%>%



   end sub



   sub writeDayStatic(userid)



   dim strArray(100)

   for i=0 to 23

      strArray(i)= cStr(i) & "点--" & cstr(i+1) & "点"



   set rst=openRst()

   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from dateStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then




   end if

   strSQL="select * from dateStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by hourid"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3






       <% writedatetable="" strarray="" ccount="">

       <%writedatetable strarray="" ccount="">



end sub



   sub writeWeekStatic(userid)



   dim strArray(7)









   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from weekStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then




   end if

   strSQL="select * from WeekStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by dayid"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3








<% writedatetable="" strarray="" ccount="">


   end sub



   sub writeMonthStatic(userid)



   dim strArray(32)

   for i=1 to  31

     strArray(i)=cStr(i) & "日"



   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from MonthStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then




   end if

   strSQL="select * from MonthStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by dayid"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3









<% writedatetable="" strarray="" ccount="">
<% writedatetable="" strarray="" ccount="">


   end sub



   sub writeYearStatic(userid)


   dim strArray(13)

   for i=1 to  12

     strArray(i)=cStr(i) & "月"



   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from YearStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then




   end if

   strSQL="select * from YearStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by monthid"

   set rst=openRst()

   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3









<% writedatetable="" strarray="" ccount="">
<% writedatetable="" strarray="" ccount="">


   end sub



   sub WriteRecentInfo(userid)


      StrSQL="select top 10 * from accessstat where userid='" & userid & "' order by VisitTime desc"

      set rst=openRst()

      Rst.open StrSQL,Conn,3,1












         <% for="" i="1" to="" rst.recordcount="">                   











     <% next="">


序 号

<a HREF=<%=rst("lastpage")%>><%response.write>  



   end sub



   sub WriteBrowserInfo(userid)

      Set Rst=OpenRst()

      strSQL="select count(*) as VisitCount from AccessStat where userid='" & userid & "'"

      Rst.open strSQL,Conn,3,1


      StrSQL="select BrowserType,count(BrowserType) as visitcount from AccessStat where userid='" & userid & "' group by BrowserType order by VisitCount desc"

      Set Rst=OpenRst()

      Rst.open StrSQL,Conn,3,1










          <%for i="1" rst.recordcount="">









          <% next="">    


序 号

<%setbar totalvisit="">


   end sub



   sub InsertData(userid)


      ExecUserInfo userid


      ExecDayStatic userid


      ExecWeekStatic userid


      ExecMonthStatic userid


      ExecYearStatic userid

   end sub



   sub ExecUserInfo(userid)






      strBrowserName=strArray(1)       '浏览器

      strUseSystem=strArray(2)         '用户操作系统  

      strPrPage=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")     '从何而来

      if strPrPage="" then

         strPrPage="http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")

      end if

      strIPAddr=Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR")        '用户IP地址

      strSQL="insert into AccessStat(UserID,VisitTime,IPAddr,UseSystem,BrowserType,LastPage) "

      strSQL=strSQL & "values ('" & trim(userid) & "',getDate(),'" & trim(strIPAddr) & "','"

      strSQL=strSQL & trim(strUseSystem) & "','" & trim(strBrowserName) & "','" & trim(strPrPage) & "')"

      conn.execute strSQL

   end sub



   sub ExecDayStatic(userid)


      strSQL="select * from DateStatic where dateid=datepart(dy,getdate()) and userid='" & userid & "'"

      set rst=openrst()

      rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

      if rst.eof and rst.bof then

         strSQL="delete from DateStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"

         conn.execute strSQL

         for i=0 to 23

            strSQL="insert into DateStatic values(datepart(dy,getdate())," & cStr(i) & ",'" & userid & "',0)"

            conn.execute strSQL


      end if

      strSQL="update datestatic set num=num + 1 where dateid=datepart(dy,getdate()) and hourid= datepart(hh,getdate()) and userid='" & userid & "'"

      conn.execute strSQL      

   end sub



   sub ExecWeekStatic(userid)


     strSQL="select * from WeekStatic where weekid=datepart(ww,getdate()) and userid='" & userid & "'"

     set rst=openRst()

     rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

     if rst.eof and rst.bof then

        strSQL="delete from WeekStatic  where userid='" & userid & "'"

        conn.execute strSQL

        for i=0 to 6

           strSQL="insert into WeekStatic values(datepart(ww,getdate())," & cStr(i) & ",'" & userid & "',0)"

           conn.execute strSQL


     end if

     strSQL="update weekstatic set num=num + 1 where weekid=datepart(ww,getdate()) and dayid+1= datepart(dw,getdate())  and userid='" & userid & "'"

     conn.execute strSQL

  end sub



   sub ExecMonthStatic(userid)


      strSQL="select * from MonthStatic where monthid=datepart(mm,getdate()) and userid='" & userid & "'"

      set rst=openRst()

      rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

      if rst.eof and rst.bof then

         strSQL="delete from MonthStatic  where userid='" & userid & "'"

         conn.execute strSQL

         for i=1 to 31

            strSQL="insert into MonthStatic values(datepart(mm,getdate())," & cStr(i) & ",'" & userid & "',0)"

            conn.execute strSQL


      end if

      strSQL="update monthstatic set num=num + 1 where monthid=datepart(mm,getdate()) and dayid= datepart(dd,getdate())"

      conn.execute strSQL

   end sub



   sub ExecYearStatic(userid)


     strSQL="select * from YearStatic where yearid=datepart(yy,getdate()) and userid='" & userid & "'"

      set rst=openRst()

      rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3

      if rst.eof and rst.bof then

         strSQL="delete from YearStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"

         conn.execute strSQL

         for i=1 to 12

            strSQL="insert into YearStatic values(datepart(yy,getdate())," & cStr(i) & ",'" & userid & "',0)"

            conn.execute strSQL


      end if

      strSQL="update YearStatic set num=num + 1 where Yearid=datepart(yy,getdate()) and Monthid= datepart(mm,getdate()) and userid='" & userid & "'"

      conn.execute strSQL

   end sub


美篇访问统计 其他|完整的访问统计程序(二&#160;&#160;程序篇)





上一篇:windows组件在哪如何添加win10|Windows组件在哪?如何添加windows组件 下一篇:【wap是什么东西】WAP中的ASP技术二