
2020-02-01 服务器 阅读:


$mysql_server_name=""; //改成自己的mysql数据库服务器
$mysql_username="用户"; //改成自己的mysql数据库用户名
$mysql_password="密码"; //改成自己的mysql数据库密码
$mysql_database="数据库"; //改成自己的mysql数据库名

mysql_connect("", $mysql_username,$mysql_password) or die("database not access");
mysql_query( SET NAMES "utf8"

$equery2 = select title from 表1
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_BOTH))
$title=$row[ title
if (ord($title) 128) { //汉字开头

echo $letter=getfirstchar($title);

}else if(ord($title) =48 and ord($title) =57){ //数字开头

echo $letter=iconv_substr($title,0,1,"utf-8");

}else if(ord($title) =65 and ord($title) =90){ //大写英文开头

echo $letter=iconv_substr($title,0,1,"utf-8");

}else if(ord($title) =97 and ord($title) =122){ //小写英文开头

echo $letter=iconv_substr($title,0,1,"utf-8");


function getfirstchar($s0){
$s=iconv( UTF-8 , gb2312 , $s0);
if($asc =-20319 and $asc =-20284)return A
if($asc =-20283 and $asc =-19776)return B if($asc =-19775 and $asc =-19219)return C
if($asc =-19218 and $asc =-18711)return D
if($asc =-18710 and $asc =-18527)return E
if($asc =-18526 and $asc =-18240)return F
if($asc =-18239 and $asc =-17923)return G
if($asc =-17922 and $asc =-17418)return H
if($asc =-17417 and $asc =-16475)return J
if($asc =-16474 and $asc =-16213)return K
if($asc =-16212 and $asc =-15641)return L
if($asc =-15640 and $asc =-15166)return M
if($asc =-15165 and $asc =-14923)return N
if($asc =-14922 and $asc =-14915)return O
if($asc =-14914 and $asc =-14631)return P
if($asc =-14630 and $asc =-14150)return Q
if($asc =-14149 and $asc =-14091)return R
if($asc =-14090 and $asc =-13319)return S
if($asc =-13318 and $asc =-12839)return T
if($asc =-12838 and $asc =-12557)return W
if($asc =-12556 and $asc =-11848)return X
if($asc =-11847 and $asc =-11056)return Y
if($asc =-11055 and $asc =-10247)return Z
return false;



推荐访问:php获取当前时间 php获取文件扩展名



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